
From highly technical guides to blogger’s individual stories of how they manage their own money, you can find just about any type of fi...

Top 50 Personal Finance Blogs to Check out for in 2020

man on laptop
From highly technical guides to blogger’s individual stories of how they manage their own money, you can find just about any type of financial perspective.
We’ve gathered a list of the 50 best personal finance blogs of 2019 as the ultimate resource for finding the best information on the web.

1. Money Under 30

Don’t let the name fool you. Money Under 30 has great information no matter how old you are.
From loan advice to budgeting tips and a little bit of everything in between, this blog keeps up with regular content to keep you in the know. The most popular categories include credit cards, your credit, debt payoff, investing, home buying, and car buying.

2. Get Rich Slowly

Learn how to build your wealth over time at Get Rich Slowly. With a simple layout, this blog places a high premium on quality content to help educate readers on all things related to personal finance.
You’ll find tons of different topics here, including technical how to’s on investing as well as simple tips to earn money, like maximizing your next yard sale.

3. Frugalwoods

We love Frugalwoods because it’s all about a young couple documenting their path to financial freedom. After leaving the hustle and bustle of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Frugalwoods now live on a multi-acre plot of land in rural Vermont.
They document how they build wealth through a frugal lifestyle. If you prefer pretty pictures and personal stories while learning how to manage your money, Frugalwoods is definitely worth checking out.

4. Oblivious Investor

Oblivious Investor is another personal finance blog that’s simply run by a guy who wants to put good content out into the world. Mike Piper takes you through the ins and outs of investing, providing insightful commentary for both beginners and those who don’t want to put a lot of thought into their portfolios.
For more in-depth reading, check out some of his books that give you the CliffsNotes version of financial topics.

5. Afford Anything

“You can’t afford everything, but you can afford anything,” is blogger Paula Pant’s personal mantra. This blog focuses a lot on real estate and income properties, with extremely transparent financials about her own endeavors.
However, there’s also a lot of worthwhile advice even if you’re not interested in buying real estate, from adjusting your mindset to increasing your productivity and earnings.

6. Debt Roundup

Blogger Grayson Bell started Debt Roundup after paying off $75,000 in credit card and auto loan debt. In addition to money-saving and money-making tips, Debt Roundup also provides free tools to help you manage your money, including paying off debt and investing money.

7. Squawkfox

Kerry Taylor is a consumer expert who shares her best money tricks and tips with readers on her blog Squawkfox.
It has the feel of a lifestyle blog intersected with personal finance and links to other media sources featuring Kerry, including television appearances and interviews. There’s a lot of personality interjected here, making Kerry’s posts full of flavor.

8. The Penny Hoarder

If you need ideas to earn more money, then The Penny Hoarder is the place to go. The site’s content is divided out by money hacks, work from home, budgeting, coupons, and freebies.
Everything is about either saving or making money and while some ideas are small (not surprising, considering the name of the site), there are tons of helpful resources on how to make money from the comfort of your own home.

9. Man vs. Debt

Created by Adam and Courtney Baker, who paid off their debt to travel the world, Man vs. Debt focuses on a single mantra: “Sell Your Crap…Pay Off Your Debt…Do What You Love!”
Needless to say, you’ll find countless tips and tricks for unloading the burden of “too much stuff” and empowering yourself to save more and do more.

10. Money Saving Mom

You don’t have to be a mom (or a dad) to appreciate Money Saving Mom. The website is updated with multiple posts each day, including coupon codes, grocery budget examples, and freebies.
You’ll also find a lot of inspirational content about how to prioritize your life’s passions and expand your income through multiple revenue streams. If you’re interested in blogging for money, MSM founder Crystal Paine offers a lot of in-depth pieces on how to start and grow your own blog.

11. My Money Blog

My Money Blog has been around since 2004, making it one of the oldest ongoing personal finance sites around. MMB creator Jonathan offers advice on how to manage your money to work towards early retirement.
There are tips on investing, saving money, and navigating credit card rewards programs. Jonathan also shares details of his experiences with all of his different investment and financial strategies so you can view actual numbers of success (and sometimes, failure).

12. Budgets are Sexy

As the title implies, Budgets are Sexy provides fun reads about all things personal finance, while following blogger J. Money’s personal experiences. He gives regular updates on his net worth changes, along with free tools and templates you can use for your finances.
You’ll also get tips on saving money, how to retire early, and inspirational guest posts from other bloggers. If you don’t mind the lack of filter, then this is a dynamic blog with a lot of actionable information.

13. Disease Called Debt

Hayley managed to pay off $62,000 in debt in less than two years and chronicles her story at Disease Called Debt.
She also showcases several debt success stories so you can get inspired and get ideas on how to successfully pay off debt. There are also helpful resources for managing money and blogging for profit.

14. Frugal Rules

Started by John Schmoll, a veteran of the financial services industry, Frugal Rules now features a variety of writers focusing on how to achieve “freedom through frugality.”
They’ll show you how to tackle common setbacks when paying off debt, tax tips, budget tools, investment guides, and more. The content runs the gamut of topics for beginners to more seasoned frugality pros looking for specific information.

15. Stefanie O’Connell

Formerly known as The Broke and Beautiful Life, Stefanie O’Connell rebranded her blog while still maintaining a commitment to showing you how to build your finances to live the life you want.
She primarily focuses on Millennials, but her advice is applicable to anyone who wants to save more and earn more. Having started off as an aspiring Broadway actress in New York City, Stefanie provides sage advice on how to get empowered through personal finance.

16. Pocket Your Dollars

Get nitty-gritty details on how to maximize coupons and other savings opportunities at Pocket Your Dollars. Everybody has to start saving somewhere, and the grocery store is a great place.
You’ll also find information on all kinds of ways to save, with the ability to browse by topic and print shopping lists from your favorite stores.

17. The College Investor

Written specifically for Millennials and college students, The College Investor offers personal finance advice tailored to a younger demographic. It’s especially helpful if you need help navigating the labyrinth of student loans, but also has tips for passive income and other income-earning side hustles.

18. Good Financial Cents

Here’s another blog that is perfect for a variety of readers. Good Financial Cents has a lot of content geared towards fledgling personal finance students while still putting out more in-depth articles for people who are already far down their money management path.
You can also submit a retirement-related question that will receive a guaranteed response within 72 hours.

19. 20 Something Finance

Though no longer in his 20s, G.E. Miller writes about holistic lifestyle changes you can make to embrace a debt-free way of life. He started off with significant debt and no savings and now saves 85% of his income.
20 Something Finance tackles all kinds of financial issues, like whether or not to financially support older parents or how much to spend on an engagement ring. You’ll also find tips on maximizing credit card rewards, ways to save on health insurance, and figuring out unemployment.

20. Financial Samurai

Financial Samurai delves into some deeper issues about wealth, from how to get it to who’s more likely to have it.
You’ll read about common characteristics of millionaires, successful investor mindsets, retirement planning, real estate, and more. There’s a little bit of everything here, but always from a unique angle you won’t get anywhere else.

21. Free Money Finance

This popular blog outlines ways to grow your net worth. At Free Money Finance, you’ll find personal narratives about creating multiple income streams, current investing strategies, as well as helpful insights on navigating your own career path.
The site’s simple layout places a focus on quality content, which is regularly posted by multiple contributors, so you always have a fresh perspective to read.

22. Cait Flanders

What started off as a blog documenting Cait Flanders’ quest to eradicate her debt has turned into a center for minimalistic living.
Her weekly updates include beautiful photography as well as tips on how you can incorporate a mindful budget while shopping less. In fact, Cait even implemented a two-year shopping ban after purging 75% of her belongings. Talk about inspiration!

23. Mr. Money Mustache

Mr. Money Mustache presents a quirky point of view grounded in smart commentary about financial topics. With more than 400 articles in the archives, you won’t run out of interesting reads to browse.
There are lots of reader success stories and case studies along with early retirement ideas, home improvement hacks, and more. Come for the mustache, stay for the content.

24. Money After Graduation

Run by Bridget Casey, Money After Graduation is geared towards helping young professionals achieve their financial goals.
With plenty of inspirational stories, MAG also gives in-depth tips on how to handle student loans, pay off consumer debt, and plan for retirement. Additionally, there are e-courses and workshops available if you want even more help getting on the path to wealth.

25. Everything Finance

It’s no surprise that Everything Finance touches on just about all things related to money and what we do with it.
From broad issues like personal loan analysis to more everyday topics like lowering your electric bill, it’s a great place to browse for ideas on how to create a financial game plan that works for you.

26. DailyWorth

DailyWorth is committed to creating positive relationships between women and money. Focus areas include managing your money, building a career, running a business, and living a fulfilling life.
Articles range from small-scale ideas on how to save money to large-scale analysis of the changing political scene. At the end of the day, though, each post is intended to be relevant and applicable to your everyday life.

27. Money Girl

Focusing on taxes, retirement, and insurance, Money Girl seeks to simplify finances for women and men alike.
You’ll find ways to manage bad credit as well as tips for being more disciplined with your finances. Founder Laura Adams also has some books available for even more helpful information on getting out of debt and growing your wealth.

28. Cash Money Life

Focusing on personal finance and careers, Cash Money Life skips the bells and whistles and simply delivers consistent quality content.
We like it because it offers detailed, actionable guides on managing your money. So not all of the content might apply to you, but when you find the posts that are relevant, they can add a lot of value to the way you handle financial decisions.

29. The Dough Roller

The Dough Roller was founded in 2007 by Rob Berger and has since expanded to a team of personal finance experts and contributors.
Their topics include banking, credit and debt, credit cards, insurance, and investing. In addition to helpful blog posts on everything related to money, you can also benefit from the website’s weekly newsletter and regular podcasts.

30. Retire by 40

Joe retired from his corporate gig at Intel to become a stay-at-home dad. He and his wife save most of her income and pay for all of their expenses with other sources of income they’ve developed.
His blog, Retire by 40, tracks their financials regularly while tackling money-related family issues, large and small.

31. Girls Just Wanna Have Funds

If you love personal finance and puns, then this blog is the one for you.
At Girls Just Wanna Have Funds, you’ll find career and negotiation tips, advice on improving your credit, and ideas on how to start and grow your own business. Topics range from anything you can imagine, and despite the blog’s title, they’re actually relevant for women and men alike.

32. Early Retirement Extreme

Early retirement blogs are quite common as people become less enamored with the corporate 9-5 grind. At Early Retirement Extreme, the secret formula is “a combination of simple living, anticonsumerism, DIY ethics, self-reliance, and applied capitalism.”
Sounds easy enough, right? Not really, which is why the blog regularly features posts on real-life strategies to achieve your financial independence. There are also a number of guest posts so you can read multiple perspectives.

33. The Centsible Life

Kelly Whalen targets women for her blog The Centsible Life, but again, good advice transcends gender. From how to financially complete your bucket list to cheap things to do with your kids, this website has tons of great advice for anyone looking to use their money more intelligently.

34. Wealth Pilgrim

For technical information on banking, investing, and retiring, the Wealth Pilgrim is definitely a great resource.
There are plenty of in-depth “ultimate guide” for just about any money-related issue you could imagine. The entire website is also well-organized so you can easily browse topics you’re interested in or search for something more specific.

35. Our Next Life

Our Next Life follows the story of Tanja Hester and her husband, Mark Bunge, on their early retirement journey. The couple retired at the end of 2017 at ages 38 and 41.
You can follow their inspiring journey from demanding careers to a work-optional lifestyle. If retiring early sounds interesting to you, then definitely check out this one.

36. Couple Money

Whether you and your better half are on the same page when it comes to finances or need help finding common ground, Couple Money is the place to start.
You’ll find personal exercises you can work on together (like a $20 date night challenge) as well as working together to create and achieve financial goals.

37. Northern Cheapskate

Northern Cheapskate provides helpful resources on debt and credit relief, along with money-saving ideas to help you pay down your debt. In addition to financial advice, the blog presents a ton of DIY tips, where to find all kinds of freebies, and even handmade gift ideas.


Instead of focusing on small ways to save, Miranda Marquit shows you how to grow wealth. Through financial, investment, and home business advice, you’ll learn the ins and outs of building your money and making it work for you. Head over to start growing your money tree now.

39. Ask Liz Weston

Have a question about personal finance? No problem, just Ask Liz Weston, an online columnist devoted to taking the mystery out of money. There are almost daily updates on newsworthy topics, but most interesting are the individual questions submitted by readers.
It’s a great way to get insight into financial matters you might not ordinarily think of — like what happens to debt after someone dies, or how to close a credit card account without hurting your credit score.

40. Frugal Beautiful

Frugal Beautiful follows the life and advice of debt-free crusader Shannyn, who champions frugal budgets while living the life you want.
It’s a personal finance-meets-lifestyle-and-beauty blog. Shannyn’s categories include finances, house & home, lifestyle, and growth. If you need an uplifting point of view on money and life in general, this one should be part of your weekly reads.

41. Punch Debt in the Face

Who can resist a blog with such a straightforward name? After paying off nearly $30,000 in debt, “Ninja” now writes about financial advice as well as his personal experiences with money at Punch Debt in the Face.
He’s upfront about his income and expenses so you can get an idea of how it’s possible to cut back in some areas in order to pay off debt or save more aggressively. He’s also committed to relating his story to keep the “personal” in personal finance.

42. Prairie Eco-Thrifter

You’ll find a lot of financial advice on Prairie Eco-Thrifter, but more than that, you’ll find practical information on how to live green and clean on a budget.
It’s the perfect pairing of personal finance and sustainable living how-tos. There’s also an interactive community of commenters, and you can submit a question to ask other readers for their advice on issues you may be having.

43. Don’t Mess With Taxes

Taxes are an integral part of personal finance, especially if you have income that isn’t taxed regularly from your employer.
Don’t Mess With Taxes chronicles all types of interesting scenarios that can affect your taxes, and how you can handle them. From how to spot tax scams to how to claim winnings from a sports bet, this blog is chock-full of helpful information.

44. Money Smart Life

Ben puts a fresh spin on his lifelong passion for personal finance at his blog Money Smart Life. Topics he covers consist of taxes, career, frugality, investing, debt, and real estate.
His blog posts are extremely in-depth so that you gain a true understanding of the topic at hand, whether it’s finding the best savings account for youth sports or how to shake bad financial habits.

45. The Military Wallet

If you’re a member of the military, a veteran, or family member of one, then The Military Wallet is a must-read for you.
It outlines both personal finance and benefits issues for military and veteran families to make sure you’re taking advantage of all the perks available to you because of your service. You can learn all you need to know about VA disability, discounts, and military money tips.

47. PT Money

Phillip Taylor (the PT of PT Money) is a CPA and entrepreneur who combines blog posts with podcasts to give you sound financial advice in all areas of life.
He gives you savings strategies, tax tips, and even money-wise gifts for your kids. PT Money is also up to date on the latest money management apps so it’s a great place to stay on top of the latest technology that can help your wallet.

47. Moolanomy

A personal finance website without the bells and whistles, Moolanomy focuses on four pillars of personal finance: income management, expense management, asset management, and debt management.
So you can learn anything from building an extra income or passive income to reducing debt or selecting the right insurance plans. It covers just about any financial topic that could come up throughout life.

48. Free From Broke

With the tagline of “Personal Finance Made Easy,” Free From Broke lives up to these expectations by hashing out tips and tricks to help reduce your debt and build wealth.
Founder Glen Craig offers investment reviews, goal-setting strategies, and behavioral analysis to set yourself up for success.

49. Len Penzo

A self-described “offbeat” blogger, Len Penzo champions making responsible financial decisions and forming positive habits.
On top of regular personal finance advice, you’ll also see great posts like dating on a budget, avoiding financial suicide, and saving on medical expenses.

50. The Financial Diet

The Financial Diet was founded in 2014 by Chelsea Fagan to track her own money journey. Now, the website published hundreds of different voices from women about their personal finance stories.
Many of the stories are refreshingly honest about the struggles of navigating personal finance as a female in today’s world. You can find articles on a range of topics including budgeting, increasing your income, affordable home decor, and personal essays about balancing finances with a purposeful life.